

The second plenary of the European Justice Stakeholder Forum (EJSF) is taking place on 24 April 2017 at the European Economic and Social Committee...


A paid internship at the ELI Secretariat in Vienna is available from May/June to September/October 2017 (4 months).


Diana Wallis participated in the first Warwick Congress, which is a novel student-run initiative enthused by the ambition to educate students from all...


Diana Wallis Attending Meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee

On Tuesday, 28 February 2017, Diana Wallis, President of the ELI, will attend a meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament in...


On 10 February 2017, the Odysseus Annual Conference took place in Brussels, Belgium. This year’s topic was ‘Beyond ‘Crisis’? – The State of...


The Project Team of the joint ELI and ENCJ project 'The Principled Relationship of Formal and Informal Justice through the Courts and Alternative...