

On 23 November 2012, the Speaker of the ELI Senate Irmgard Griss and ELI Executive Committee Member Christiane Wendehorst met with representatives of...


ELI Executive Committee meeting in Paris

The Executive Committee (EC) held a meeting on 21 November 2012 in Paris, France, in order to review the current state of affairs and set goals for...


Presentation of the ELI at the Council of the EU’s CATS Committee and Legal Services

On 20 November 2012, several representatives of the European Law Institute visited the Council of the European Union’s Coordinating Committee in the...


ELI participates in the Bar Annual Conference in Vienna

Council Member Diana Wallis and Executive Committee Member Christiane Wendehorst represented the European Law Institute (ELI) at the Annual Conference...


During 2012 the Common European Sales Law (CESL) Working Party has been invited to discuss its work with a number of European Institutions.


ELI meets representatives of the European Forum Alpbach

On 31 October 2012, the Speaker of the ELI Senate Irmgard Griss and ELI Executive Committee Member Christiane Wendehorst met with the Vice-President...