Italian Hub

The tenth National ELI Hub, the Italian Hub, was launched on 9 September 2016, coinciding with the ELI Annual Conference, and is chaired by Mario Comba and Riccardo de Caria. This unique event was held at the premises of the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara and gathered esteemed Italian jurists. Kindly find the agenda of the event here.

Members of the Italian Hub's Advisory Board are: Andrea Barenghi, Roberto Caranta, Marta Cartabia, Antonio Gambaro, Elena Ioriatti, Oreste Pollicino and Vincenzo Varano.

Upon joining ELI, one becomes a member of the Hub in their country of residence or seat, provided no objections are raised. You can find the list of Individual Members by country of residence here.

You may also contact the Italian Hub here. You can find out more about the Italian Hub here.



From 17–19 December 2020, the ELI Italian Hub co-organised the ‘Stage Andrea Cafiero’ webinar, which dealt with current issues in European legislature and jurisprudence. The event attracted around 700...


On 15 October 2020, a meeting of the ELI project on Common Constitutional Traditions in Europe was held online. The webinar was organised in cooperation with the Bocconi University and the ELI Italian...


Symposium on EU Citizenship 25 Years On: Civil and Economic Rights in Action

The University of Trento, the University of Utrecht and the Italian Hub co-organised a Symposium on EU Citizenship 25 Years On: Civil and Economic Rights in Action on 13 December 2019 at the...


The ELI Italian Hub co-organised the above Conference from 17–18 October 2019 at the Department of Legal Science of the University of Florence.


Panel at the 2019 ELI Annual Conference in Vienna

The Italian Hub organised a panel on 6 September 2019, during the 2019 ELI Annual Conference in Vienna.


The Italian Hub, alongside the Spanish Hub, won the ELI Hub of the Year 2019 for their exemplary work in promoting ELI and contributing to the development of European law.