Italian Hub

The tenth National ELI Hub, the Italian Hub, was launched on 9 September 2016, coinciding with the ELI Annual Conference, and is chaired by Mario Comba and Riccardo de Caria. This unique event was held at the premises of the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara and gathered esteemed Italian jurists. Kindly find the agenda of the event here.

Members of the Italian Hub's Advisory Board are: Andrea Barenghi, Roberto Caranta, Marta Cartabia, Antonio Gambaro, Elena Ioriatti, Oreste Pollicino and Vincenzo Varano.

Upon joining ELI, one becomes a member of the Hub in their country of residence or seat, provided no objections are raised. You can find the list of Individual Members by country of residence here.

You may also contact the Italian Hub here. You can find out more about the Italian Hub here.



The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara, together with CERCIS (Centre for Research on Circular Economy, Innovation and SMEs), the interuniversity research center SEEDS...


The ELI Italian Hub co-organised a Conference on addressing tax avoidance beyond base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) at the University of Ferrara, Department of Law on 24 May 2019.


The ELI Italian Hub, the Lyon Catholic University (UCLy), the University of Florida and the University of Trieste co-organised an International Symposium on ‘Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards:...


Seminar on the International Protection of Adults in the European Union

On 22 March 2019, the ELI’s Protection of Adults in International Situations Project Team held a seminar on the topic of ‘The International Protection of Adults in the European Union: Improving the...


Conference in Naples on Training Courses on Human Rights

The ELI Italian Hub was one of the patrons of the Training Courses on Human Rights organised by Human Rights Commission of the City of Naples Bar Council. The event took place on 11–13 October 2018 in...


Conference on European Law for Italian Lawyers

The Conference took place from 8–10 June 2018 and was organised by the Italian Hub and the Lawyers’ Association of Naples