Spanish Hub

The Spanish ELI Hub was launched on 9 May 2016, as the ninth ELI Hub. You can read the information about that event hereThe chairs of the Spanish Hub are Dr Maria Kubica (Assistant Professor at Loyola University of Andalusia) and Albert Ruda (Associate Professor and Dean at the University of Girona). Should you have any question concerning the Spanish Hub, kindly write to the Hub directly or to the ELI Secretariat.

Upon joining ELI, one becomes a member of the Hub in their country of residence or seat, provided no objections are raised. You can find the list of Individual Members by country of residence here

IX Annual Meeting of the Spanish Hub

The 9th Hub’s Annual Meeting took place on 7 June 2024 (12:00-20:30) both online & at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

As in previous editions, participants sent paper submissions. The deadline for submissions was 31 March 2024. 

Registration is now closed.


  • The papers from the 2017 Annual Meeting were published under the title 'Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea. Materiales del I y II Encuentro anual del Centro español del European Law Institute' by sepin in May 2018. Please see the publisher’s website for further information.
  • The first volume with the papers from the 2018 Annual Meeting was published under the title 'Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea. Materiales del III Encuentro anual del Centro español del European Law Institute (Derecho civil y Derecho procesal civil)' by sepin in March 2020. Please see the publisher’s website for further information.
  • The second volume with the papers from the 2018 Annual Meeting was published under the title 'Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea. Materiales del III Encuentro anual del Centro español del European Law Institute (Derecho mercantil. Derecho procesal penal. Derecho del trabajo y de la seguridad social. Derecho constitucional. Derecho administrativo. Inmigración y asilo. Derecho financiero. Miscelánea)by sepin in September 2020. Please see the publisher’s website for further information.
  • The papers from the 2019 Annual Meeting were published under the title 'Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea. Materiales del IV Encuentro anual del Centro español del European Law Institute' by sepin in October 2020. Please see the publisher’s website for further information.
  • The papers from the 2020 Annual Meeting were published under the title ‘Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea. Materiales del V Encuentro anual del Centro español del European Law Institute’ by sepin in August 2021. The open access publication can be downloaded here.



The I Jornadas de Derecho digital Conference was held online on 6 and 13 October 2023.


2023 ELI Annual Conference: Spanish Hub Held a Meeting

On 8 September 2023, the Spanish Hub held a meeting within the framework of the 2023 ELI Annual Conference at the University of Vienna.


ELI Spanish Hub Supports Sustainability in Legal Education Conference

On 26 June 2023, the Conference on Sustainability in Legal Education (Sostenibilidad en la docencia del Derecho) took place at the University of Girona, was supported by ELI’s Spanish Hub.


On 26 May 2023, the VIII Annual Meeting on European Case Law of the ELI Spanish Hub took place in the Universitat Politècnica de València under the direction of the Hub Chairs Albert Ruda and Maria L...


The ELI Spanish Hub Held its 7th Annual Meeting Members Meeting in Seville

On 20 May 2022, the ELI Spanish Hub held its Annual Meeting at the Loyola University Andalucía in Seville, Spain, under the direction of Prof Albert Ruda (Chair) and María Kubica (ELI Member).


The ELI Spanish Hub supported the fifth Spanish-German Private Law Conference, which took place at the University Carlos III of Madrid from 21–22 October 2021.