Sub Group on Artificial Intelligence
- Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballel
- Pascal Pichonnaz
- Juliette Senechal
- Robert Bray
- Antonio Davola
- Gudula Deipenbrock
- Department of Business Law at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics & Business (represented by Ivan Tot)
- Wian Erlank
- Tomás Gabriel García-Micó
- Raphaël Gellert
- Arturas Grumulaitis
- Berk Kapancı
- Ilia Kolochenko
- Alessandro Mantelero
- Giuseppe Marino
- Florian Möslein
- Guido Noto La Diega
- Cristina Poncibò
- Jens-Peter Schneider
- Benedetta Sirgiovanni
- Anna Tarasiuk
- Sara Rodríguez Marín
- Rute Teixeira Pedro
- Irina Zlătescu