Newest ELI Institutional Members

The ELI is proud to be cooperating with the following new Institutional Members:

Al-Taqwa University (AU) was founded in 2012 and officially registered with the government of Afghanistan. AU is a nationally accredited institution of higher education in Afghanistan. Quality education aimed at directing students towards research, innovation, and development is the defining element of Al-Taqwa University.

Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law (BCNL) was established in 2001 as a public benefit foundation. BCNL is part of the network of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) and the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) which operate in more than 100 countries around the world to protect the right of association and develop the legal framework for civil society organisations.


The Faculty of Economics & Business is one of the 31 constituent institutions of the University of Zagreb. Established in 1920, it holds the distinction of being the oldest higher education institution specialising in economics and business in the Republic of Croatia. The Faculty of Economics & Business proudly holds three prestigious international accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB Business accreditation (institution-level), and EFMD Programme Accreditation (for the Bachelor Degree in Business program).

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas) was established on 19 September 2000 and started its activities on 1 January 2001. The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania is the first and final instance for administrative cases assigned to its jurisdiction by law. It is an appeal instance for cases concerning decisions, rulings and orders of the first instance administrative courts. Rulings of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania are final and not subject to appeal. As the supreme judicial institution in administrative cases, it develops uniform case law of administrative courts in interpreting and applying laws and other legal acts.