2025 Executive Committee Elections

2025 is election year at ELI.

On 4 March 2025, the ELI Council elected four nominate members of the ELI Executive Committee, which consist of the President, two Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer. 

For detailed information on the election procedure kindly consult the ELI Statute and Election Byelaw.  


Nominate Positions

The search committee (Reinhard Zimmermann, Irmgard Griss, Marta Cartabia, Lord Mance) issued the following non-binding recommendations to the Council for the nominate positions within the Executive:

Under the ELI Election Byelaw, any Council Member may, without prejudice to the nominations made by the search committee, nominate themselves as a candidate or propose the names of other Fellows for the aforementioned positions. No additional nominations were received by the established deadline.

The vote took place in person and was overseen and opened by the Returning Officer, Reinhard Zimmermann. Candidates had the opportunity to present themselves. The above members will begin their term in September 2025 for a period of two years.


Innominate Positions

More information will be provided in due course. The elections will take place in September 2025.

Important Documents