Following a change to the ELI Statute in September 2019, the Council now consists of a maximum of 56 members, elected by the Membership from among Individual Fellows in a way that adequately takes into account the general principles of the Association. It is the Institute's management body. The current ELI Council, listed here, is composed of 55 elected members, 28 of which were elected into office on 7 September 2023.
Ex-Officio Council Members
The ELI President, the two Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer become ex-officio members of the Council from the moment they take office. Further, up to 10 others can be offered ex-officio seats on the Council. The list of current ex-officio members can be found here.
Council Documents
In accordance with Article 10(12) of the ELI Statute, minutes of the Council meetings and decisions taken by the Council are published on the ELI website. Council Decisions are available here.
Council Elections
Council Standing Committees
Members of ELI’s Council are invited to serve in the Membership and Fundraising Committees. More on the roles and members of the Council's Standing Committees is available here.